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유량계 분석기 레벨측정기 밸브 마킹기 System Integration
컨트롤 밸브 Control Valve수동 밸브 Manual Valve감압 밸브 Pressure Reducing Valve포지셔너 Positioner기타
컨트롤 밸브 Control Valve Segment Eccentric Ball Control Valves

특징Valution model EB Series is a Segment Ball control valve that
allows precision control even in fine signal fluctuations as the ball
and seat surfaces rotate non-contact, when the center of the
body/seat and the center of the valve plug/stem are at a


1. Allows precision control even in fine signal fluctuations as the ball and seat surfaces rotate non-contact when the
center of the body/seat and the center of the valve plug/stem are at an eccentric angle.
2. The detachable seat retainer design prov

